In celebrations of the International Women´s Day

 March 12, 2021

Women of the world want and deserve an equal future free from stigma, stereotypes and violence; a future that’s sustainable, peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities for all.

This year we celebrated the International Women’s Day (8 March) in Bondo, Kenya in partnership with Hipporun Denmark, Live Healthy Initiatives, Kenya represented by the menstrual health expert, Roissa Kerry. 

The campaign theme for International Women's Day 2021 was 'Choose To Challenge'. Why – because a challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change.

So, we #ChooseToChallenge with the girls and teachers in Bondo. They all took different challenges up. For example, WASH facilities with running water for handwashing is needed when one needs to a change a pad.

Miss Roissa Kerry reported from the event:

“Teachers also participated in the training sessions. In some schools we had peer trainers to spearhead the conversation to encourage active child participation. When one is leading the conversation to break the stigma surrounding menstruation it helps improve the participant's self-esteem and encouraged active participants. We also took the challenge to women working at Bondo Pride Hotel who #ChooseToChallenegePeriodPoverty. We were also able to advocate for inclusion by sharing menstrual health education material to the special schoolgirls at Barkowino primary school's special unit. All in all, 700 packs of #Safepad were donated to the girls. 

#ItsTimeForAChange and to #LeaveNoOneBehind and that is why we #WeChooseToChallengePeriodFriendlyToilets #WeChooseToChallengeTeenagePregnancies #WeChooseToChallengeSexForPads #ChooseToChallengeAcademicInequalities #ChooseToChallenegeAgenderBiasedSociety #ChooseToChallengeGenderBasedViolence.
